It may be a slow week, but there’s still enough fun stuff to keep us occupied.
New issues of Suicide Squad, Crime Syndicate and Green Lantern are my only new main comic books this week, along with the second Infinite Frontiers Secret Files comic.
As always, I’m buying my comics digitally, through Comixology. Most of the week’s new books are listed over at the PreviewsWorld website, though DC Comics’ new releases can be found on their own website. Let’s take a look at what I’ll be reading this week.
DC Comics
Crime Syndicate 3
Green Lantern 2
Suicide Squad 3
DC Digital First Comics
Infinite Frontier Secret Files 2
Outside of some comic books, we have the premiere of the new Netflix series JUPITER’S LEGACY hitting on Friday. The series is based on the Mark Millar comic book from Image Comics. This is the first salvo in the deal that was struck between Millarworld and Netflix back in 2017. Starring Josh Duhamel and Leslie Bibb, the 8-episode series focuses on the children of the first generation of superheroes and how they handle the responsibility. I’ve been looking forward to this one for a while.
I’ll also have a review of the next episode of LEGENDS OF TOMORROW and Joe will be back this weekend with a new SONG OF THE WEEK.
What are you looking forward to this week? Let us know in the comments.