THE PRICE continues as The Flash confronts Gotham Girl in the third part of Joshua Williamson’s four-part crossover tying in to HEROES IN CRISIS.
Batman 65
Written by Joshua Williamson
Pencils and Inks by Guillem March
Colors by Tomeu Moray
Batman is definitely not making things better for himself. After the second part of THE PRICE, where he and The Flash were confronted by a group of zombie superheroes who had the power of dead hero Gotham, the Scarlet Speedster is still looking for answers. Of course, Batman is trying to avoid them however he can. Mostly by trying to make sure The Flash focuses on the superpowered undead guys trying to kill them.
Because when he lets his guard down – like later in the issue when he sees Iris West at the Central City Police station – he gets punched through a building and over a few city blocks. I’m pretty sure that hurt.
Gotham Girl has somehow resurrected her brother, but much like the zombie Gothams, their power is unstable and they can’t use very much of it without dying. The return of Gotham doesn’t last very long, and it drives Gotham Girl even further into her grief at the loss of the only person she had to lean on in her life. She takes the serum that resurrected her brother – despite its instability and not knowing it would do to her – for the cliffhanger ending.

All the fighting and the superpowers are great, but I’m so much more interested in the relationship between Barry Allen and Bruce Wayne and how it’s been damaged by the apparent death of Wally West in HEROES IN CRISIS. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’m going to get anything resembling closure between the two of them, certainly not while the Tom King miniseries is still in full force. And that’s a shame, because I enjoy watching Barry lay into Bruce when Bruce knows he screwed up.
The fighting will surely continue next week – or Gotham Girl will just completely burn out on her power after taking the serum and we can get 15-20 pages of Barry yelling at Bruce.
A guy can dream…