The same week that Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle were supposed to get married, Catwoman gets her own series, written and drawn by Joelle Jones.

Catwoman 1
Written by Joelle JonesĀ 
Pencils and Inks by Joelle JonesĀ 
Colors by Laura Allred

The first issue of the new Catwoman book is all about her first days of wedded bliss with Batman, right? That’s not really how BATMAN 50 worked out. But this first issue does pick up about a week after the Bat-wedding that could have been.

She’s not really handling the whole thing well, so of course she gets out of Gotham City and sets up base in Villa Hermosa, where she encounters some other women dressed as cats committing crimes. It explains why the police in Villa Hermosa are so hot to have Selina Kyle arrested.

Joelle Jones has not only a great feel for writing the character, especially on the heels of such a major non-change of status, but her artwork just feels perfect… sorry, purr-fect… for the character and the situation Selina Kyle is in. It’s a great match for a gritty, noir tale. Jones has set up an interesting story to keep Catwoman at the forefront after she left Bruce Wayne at the alter.

I hope Jones gets a nice, long run on Catwoman, allowing her to come into her own in the post-Rebirth world the same way she did in the 1990s and early 2000s with her own series. It’ll give whatever happens when she finally reunites with Bruce Wayne a lot more emotional weight.