There is no such thing as limitations for Young Fathers.
The three-piece Scottish band doesn’t concern itself with genres or staying confined to any type of niche. Their sound moves from alternative hip-hop to rock to electronica effortlessly, letting their songwriting and imagination lead the way. “In My View,” the first single from their new album, is a soulful R&B jam, with simple but creative percussion that draws you in like a tractor beam.
It’s the perfect setting for an introspective piece on lost love and searching for answers about your own nature. “I wanna be king until I am/A man is just a man I understand,” the lyrics go, summing up the antagonistic relationship between conscience, desire, willpower and human nature. You can listen and absorb or dance along to the groove. Either way, this slow-burning track remains just as impactful.
“In My View” can be found on Cocoa Sugar, out on March 9 via Ninja Tune.