A “crisis song” that’s made for dancing the demons away.
Christine and the Queens excels at creating fantastic, thoughtful dance music, with insatiable grooves and lyrics that dive deep into your soul. “Doesn’t matter” may be the best one she’s released yet. Snappy percussion moves the track forward with synth swells and Héloïse Letissier’s speak-sing vocals. Her words deal with depression, overexertion to support another and the collapse that happens when she pushes herself too far. As she sings, “Loud whispers in my back as if I couldn’t hear/Thought I left ghosts behind but they’re just coming near.”
Letissier said about the track, “This song is a cathedral, with a rhythm as unalterable as white stone. The bass line, I remember playing it for hours, as if to rock myself.” If you’re looking for something to play in your headphones until it drowns out any unwanted thoughts, you can’t go wrong with “Doesn’t matter.”
Christine and the Queens’ next album, Chris, will drop on Sept. 21.